... with arms wide open ...

... with arms wide open ...

Wednesday 2 February 2011

I've got no time .. to post, argh!

Arrived in Chiang Mai (Northern Thailand) this morning, after 15 hrs on the sleeper train from Bangkok which was far more fun than it sounds! Especially my trip with an Australian lady to the "restaurant". We expected to find annoyed staff and overpriced coffee at 22:30 at night. We found rather bad but loudly played nineties techno, dancing and drinking passengers, drinking staff, overpriced, huge beers (630ml) and a staff leader who ended the party when the weed came out at midnight! Loved it.

Visited various Wats today, they are stunning! I even got lost on the way to one. WAT did I do? Dunno, I think I was distracted by the 50p Banana smoothie :o). Now, I am figuring out my way to Krabi which will take about a day spent in trains and planes. But I guess it's worth it, can't wait to see the beaches ...

Sorry, I have to leave, although I'd like to tell you more ... about the 3 different groups of university students at Chiang Mai who questioned me (the foreign English (!) woman) about different topics and thought that I was so cool; the singing monks in Bangkok who made me shiver; the reclining Buddha in Bangkok at Wat Pho which made me cry; the pigeon that shat on me in Chinatown on New Year which means a "shitload" of luck apparently. Lots of love, I'll be back soon. x


  1. Neid - ich war vor 15 jahren In Chiang Mai und es war toll. Du musst auf jenden Fall auf dem Rückweg in den Süden nach Sukkothai.

    Bist du auch in China unterwegs?

    Gruss Hanni

  2. I still would have guessed Scottish :)

  3. My previous comment didn't come through :(

    Anyway, it looks like your trip has got off to a flying start. Can't wait to read the rest of your travel diary and can't believe that you've been gone for 1 week already! Time flies but I'm sure you feel that you've been away for a month and that England now seems like a far off planet!

    Safe travels! Kimberley

  4. Hatte hier erstmal mit der Technik zu kämpfen :-S ... hoffe mein Kommentar wird jetzt angenommen. Freue mich zu lesen; dass es dir offensichtlich gut geht :) ... Drück dich ... Sandra x
