... with arms wide open ...

... with arms wide open ...

Sunday 30 January 2011


I made it, am safe and sound in Bangkok, utterly shattered and totally unprepared. Have already cross-questioned my roommate about hotspots and secret joints. How come I am usually so prepared and organised and now I am so RUBBISH? Didn't even use the 11 hrs on the plane, instead I ate loads (Qantas do nice food!), slept and tried to watch The Social Network ... but fell asleep, argh! And now it is so late that going out on my own would probably be extrordinarily stupid. Thank God I have another night and 2 full days.
What I really liked were the golden statues with the flowers along the motorway, the screaming pink taxis and the utterly annoying voice of the lady who sold the bus tickets: Where are you going? Wheeeerrrree are you goooooiiing? Great stuff!
Sorry to sound so uninspired - yet - have to get over this enormous tiredmess first. And I promise I have a really good story waiting, bearing the title 'How a rather good last day in London turned into a nerve-wrecking odyssey'. Watch this space. xx


  1. Glad you made it.

    look forward to hearing your story on your adventure.


  2. One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster
    The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free
    You'll find a god in every golden cloister
    And if you're lucky then the god's a she
    I can feel an angel sliding up to me

  3. Liebe Sandra, Est hat mir deine Mail weitergeleitet und von deinem Anruf berichtet ...

    Gute Reise und gute Menschen wünsch ich dir!
    Bussi Christian

    PS: This is the first time I am comenting on a blog and I do not have any of the IDs or accounts mentioned below ... so it has to be ANONYMOUS ... hope it works ...

  4. So wonderful to hear from you my dear friend! Have a good rest and then enjoy the FREEDOM. Lucky girl!!!
    Big hug, C xxxxx

  5. Freu mich, dass du gut angekommen bist :) Drueck dich ... Sandra x

  6. Glad you landed safely and I'm sure you will be raring to go once you've had a good night's sleep. I was going to post the One Night in Bangkok lyrics but Flozza beat me to it! Great minds think alike! :) Looking forward to the next episode and your "last day in London" story....

  7. So, jetzt probiere ich das auch noch einmal mit "Anonymous", hat ja vor ein paar Tagen nicht funktioniert...
    Warte ganz arg gespannt auf weitere Berichte, meine Süße.
    Take good care!!! Bitzi xox

  8. What on earth happened on your last day in London?!
    Wait till you see the bus driver/announcer people in Malaysia, they always amuse me. Kuala Lumpur becomes K.Lumpur becomes "clumperclumperclumperclumper" (shouting stuff is way cooler than using signs)

    Go go Debo!
